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When It Blizzard in May

arteries span out,

tiny fingers grasping for life

screens show me your face,

a blurry monotone of the past.

crevasses in trees cradle my veins and I know, loneliness is only a remembrance of

the shattered mirrors.

which reflection do you peer into?

windows open, cold slaps my face, the chess board gets knocked over during the move, you mumble sorry, forgetting our sex, forgetting our lost laughter.

my timer goes off for the washing machine.

I only have wet leftovers.

raw mouths -- douse me in water.

scissors jingle near my chest, a threat to my arteries.

my head tilted like a school child sitting in church,

wondering which sins she

could and could

not reverse.

insides spill into the streets. the snow plow doesn’t know how to handle me.

do you answer when you hear your name called?

the clacks I make on my keyboard satisfy me,

they invert the sound of solitude.

to create a larger, more grandiose vibration from the piano,

one simply has to open it up.

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